

Clinical Trial Data in the European Health Data Space - Part 2

clinical trial data european health data space

Clinical Trial Data in the European Health Data Space - Part 2

Several months ago, I wrote a piece on the strange story of clinical trial data in the European Health Data Space (EHDS) proposal and predicted (it was not so hard) that some - perhaps - naively ambitious and unintentionally radical provisions will draw a lot of attention and redrafting.  Well, it happened.

Clinical Trial Data in the European Health Data Space

pills and other medication in yellow background

Clinical Trial Data in the European Health Data Space

The proposal for a regulation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) introduces a common framework for the secondary use of health data within the EU. In defining the broad scope of ‘electronic data’, the proposal refers (amongst other categories of helath data) to ‘electronic health data from clinical trials’.

On the proposal for a multistakeholder initiative for the imposition of Internet sanctions

On the proposal for a multistakeholder initiative for the imposition of Internet sanctions

On Thursday 10 March, 87 signatories put forward a proposal for the creation of a multistakeholder body that would discuss and coordinate the imposition of Internet sanctions such as blocking of IP addresses an domain names in times of humanitarian crises. Such sanctions are to be enforced by those entities who choose to subscribe to the principles of the body's manifesto. You can find it here along with the list of the signatories.


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